#CATURDAY: When your cat crashes your TV interview.

We've all seen what happens when your kids adorably crash your live TV interview, but what happens when your cat (who is like your baby) crashes your TV talk session? It happened to me way too often when Ferocious the cat was alive- and you couldn't help but laugh. A late post/homage to the best cat in the world for #Caturday. I hope she is somewhere warm and happy plotting the next TV takeover. 

Retail Analyst And Chief Research Officer of H Squared Research finds out what happens when her cat Ferocious crashes her interview on OWN Network January 2015.

#LOTW Skull n' Crossbones

Hitha Herzog in a black dress, black skull sweater, and black heels and purse.

No I'm not on my way to a funeral—this is a standard New York City uniform! While black on black can seem risky or bland, make it unique by adding surprising elements and textures. I picked this Alexander Wang sweater with skull trim to give the girly dress more of a downtown vibe. Black Louboutins with criss cross straps to keep the entire look elevated. Add my trusty Fendi bag, and I'm ready to conquer the world.

Why a former WWE CEO is a perfect pick to run the Small Business Administration.

Honest hour: I haven't been thrilled with President Donald Trump's cabinet picks. HOWEVER, when it was announced former WWE CEO Linda McMahon was selected to run the SBA I was overjoyed. To say this woman is amazing is an understatement. Here is why I am psyched: 

What is the SBA? 

The SBA or Small Business Administration is a government run agency to help support and promote small businesses  and owners in the U.S., i.e. someone like me! The agency also facilitates lending through the popular SBA 7(a) Loans; 504 loans, which provide funding for the purchase of fixed assets, such as real estate, buildings and machinery, at below market rates; and the SBA Express program, which offers term loans and lines of credit in amounts from $100,000 to $350,000. When needed, the agency provides disaster loans. It also offers business counseling and mentoring services, and special programs for women, minority and military veteran entrepreneurs. In theory, this should be the coolest agency in D.C., but the last ten years, specifically with the 2008 recession, the SBA has been a mess. 


She started from the bottom now she's here:

She took WWE from a small local business to a multinational public company. Prior to creating the WWE, she struggled as a small business owner. She and her husband went bankrupt at one point and lived on government assistance. She's literally seen it all and  understands how to build a small business to an international brand.

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger: 

D.C. isn't the first time Linda McMahon has tried her hand at politics. She was on the board of directors for Connecticut Board of Education and ran a self-funded campaign for Senate twice. She was unsuccessful but sometimes it's the failures that make you a better person. 

She slays when women and women’s initiatives:

McMahon is also the CEO of Women’s Leadership L.I.V.E. She co-founded the organization in 2014 to promote leadership opportunities for women by providing them with proven processes and sustainable strategies and by organizing conferences.

You're so 2000 and late: WILL ALSO Bring the SBA into the 21st century:

McMahon will focus on Fintech starting with helping get loan applications online vs. the reams of paper you have to fill out when applying for a loan. This will hopefully bring the SBA into the 21st century which it so desperately needs. 

I was on Fox and Friends back when McMahon was only a nominee, where I discuss this with a restaurant business owner and a financial planner. Check it: 


Protect yourself before you wreck yourself: How to prevent online shopping and credit card fraud. #Holiday2016

Protect yourself before you wreck yourself: How to prevent online shopping and credit card fraud. #Holiday2016

Holiday spending is about to wrap up and the National Retail Federation is expecting retail sales expected to reach $655.8B (source: NRF). With people in a mad dash to return items and take advantage of end-of-year sales, now is the time to be hyper-vigalent about protecting your credit cards from fraudulent activity. Last thing you want to do is end the year on the phone with VISA because your card is getting declined at a bar.

#LOTW Same designer, different dresses: The look of ISSA.

News you can use: it's OK to have the same dress in multiple colors. To make my life easier I bought 5 dresses by Issa (which I will describe in other LOTWs). The brand hails from London and was launched by Daniella Helayel in 2003. These easy breezy beautiful dresses have always been a favorite amongst fashion editors in NYC, London and LA. It becamea “thing” when world witnessed Kate Middleton announce her engagement to Prince William while wearing the long- sleeved sapphire dress. You would be hard pressed to find the blue wrap dress now, BUT you can find the knit stretch jersey I am rocking in this photo. It fits well, looks good on camera and is what I call “throw and go” meaning throw it on and run out the door. I don’t have room in my brain for much else, fashion wise. :)

Hitha Herzog in a purple flouncy dress and black patent Louboutins while on air at Fox News on December 23rd, 2016. Stay tuned for highlights from the show! 

Hitha Herzog in a purple flouncy dress and black patent Louboutins while on air at Fox News on December 23rd, 2016. Stay tuned for highlights from the show! 

Is there really a "war on Christmas?"

Is there really a "war on Christmas?"

THIS IS NOT A “WAR ON CHRISTMAS." Let’s call it what it is, lack of biblical references in holiday advertising it’s not a war on Christmas, it’s people feeling like they are being forced to be politically correct and using the Christmas holiday to express that. The AFA (American Family Association) is a religious organization that is leading the crusade. The problem is, their methodology among a whole slew of other things. I discussed this on The O'Reilly Factor last week- check out my research and our discussion!  

HOLIDAY #TBT: This is a public service announcement-- with guitar!

HOLIDAY #TBT: This is a public service announcement-- with guitar!

Actually, no there aren't any guitars involved or The Clash, but the information is still valid. In this #TBT to 2013, I talk about what happens when your packages aren't delivered on time. Did you know it is a federal mandate that if a USPS, UPS or Fed Ex specify an arrival date and it DOESN'T get to it's destination on time, you can ask for your money back? Yep. Check out the video below!

Can you Take me High Enough? Consumer sentiment, investing and #DOW20K

Can you Take me High Enough? Consumer sentiment, investing and  #DOW20K

Like it or not, the stock market has been on fire since President elect Donald Trump took office. Since November 9th, the Dow has hit almost 15 record highs. Tuesday was no different, closing at 19,974.62. What the hell is happening? Let me give you the 411. 

Ship hits the fan: Last minute deadlines for USPS, FED EX and UPS #Holiday2016

Ship hits the fan: Last minute deadlines for USPS, FED EX and UPS #Holiday2016

Oh it's on people. Today is the BUSIEST shipping day of the year! Yes, I said "shipping" and not shopping. Why is this happening? One of the reasons has to do with the voracity people were purchasing online. According to Adobe Digital Insights Nov. 1 through Dec. 13, shoppers spent $66.91 billion online, an 8.31% leap over last year between November 1st through December 13th. That means one thing: