Earlier this winter I braved the arctic cold of Ithaca, NY to be...

Earlier this winter I braved the arctic cold of Ithaca, NY to be a MADE coach to a totally disheveled but adorable 15 year old. I essentially had to take her from a type “Z” personality to type “A” in six weeks making her into the ultimate “Power Girl.” It was not easy. At times I wanted to leave. There were times I would come home (meaning the hotel) in tears because I knew she was failing and I took it as a personal failure. I had to balance being upstate with my day job of fashion and retail analyst and had to frequently drive back to be on air to talk about the failing economy and a crumbling retail sector. And to top it off, I got a terrible case of the flu and didn’t eat for seven days. That SUCKED. Carrie’s transition wasn’t that apparent when the show wrapped. Her change was crystal clear however when she called me a week later to tell me that she was getting up early to work out and making an effort to get good grades. Being a ”Power Girl” meaning, a girl that can do ten million things and STILL look amazing.  Here is a “behind the scenes” clip re: what my MADE kid, Carrie thought of me.