
OK, ok ok. I got several e-mails (some of them civil and others not so nice) about the virtues of living in Williamsburg. Here's the thing peeps- I wasn't saying EVERYONE who lives in Williamsburg is a) an obnoxious hipster or b) is experiencing "revenge of the nerds" syndrome. I was just pointing out how dumb pageants are especially ones that make cute little emo guys parade around! A friend was just telling me how cool it is to live there (since I've only been there three times in the 10 years I've lived in Manhattan) and he is the BEST.  I'm no hater... well, unless we are talking about annoying things like pageants in NYC/BK/BX 'hoods!

Revenge of the Nerds.

Pageants are stupid, but when I read there was going to be a "Mr. and Miss Williamsburg Pageant" on September 5th, I kinda wanted to go. Something about obnoxious hipsters engaging in a totally obnoxious practice of pageantry is enough motivation for me to wait for the L train, take it to N. 8th Street and watch these goof balls judge each other on what they think is the ultimate level of hipster-ness. It's really just the nerdy kids in high school getting their sweet revenge. Funny when you think about it that way, no?  Let's hope peeps don't take themselves too seriously...